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"Most Gym memberships worldwide (2020)"

There are a total of 184,608,505 gym members globally as of 2020, having grown 28% since 2010 and by 5.5% since 2018.

As of 2020, the global gym industry was worth $96.7 billion with more than 184 million gym members in total.

There are more than 205,000 gyms available to members worldwide.

Sweden and Norway have the highest market penetration rates with 22%, while India has the lowest with only 0.15% of the population being a gym member.

The United States' gym industry finished off 2019 with a recorded revenue of $35.03 billion dollars, the largest of any country. 

Check out the full dataset below, which includes total revenue, total gyms, total memberships, member penetration rate, members per gym, annual revenue per gym, and annual revenue per member, per country.

Source: RunRepeat

alex Alex Damianou

Looking at the full dataset, I created this chart here that shows one in five citizens in Sweden, Norway, and USA have gym memberships. The three highest in terms of gym membership penetration globally.

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